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So this is the build that you can patch the mod called "Noisette's Blueprints" RIGHT?

nostalgia of ol´ and good builds

you sure its safe

my computer detect the archive to a VIRUSSS

many early builds tent to do that.



i checked all the pizza tower so your antivirus is basically some "lie" that say is a VIRUS when its just to buy pro so trust in it there is not virus EVEN I CHECK IT WITH MY ANTIVIRUS AND SAYS like no virus so its the troll antivirus

i know was the stupid direct x


bro and the music

idk but i just tried to recopile it so idk then its not my fault i just found it and put it just to put it more easier to get


no way original pizzahead????




im not the author

credits to mcpig ;)


we know.

also hi.

h i